Let’s be honest – you probably didn’t envisage a pandemic forcing you into self-isolation when you dreamed about planning your special day! The new normal that COVID-19 has thrown our way has certainly been a curveball, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be a negative one! All that spare time on your hands? Time for dreaming and designing and planning. Grab a wine, and let’s do this.
1. Find inspo online
This is the perfect time to head down that Pinterest rabbit burrow. Hours can pass, and guess what? You can spend hours more. Search for flowers, for bridesmaids dresses, for menu inspo and dress designs. The ideas are endless and they’re yours to discover. Did we also mention @weddedwonderland on Instagram? Another goodie.
2. Grab that preferred suppliers list
Your venue (Slash us!) is likely to hold their little black book of all the suppliers that they’ve worked with in the past and recommend. Get it emailed to you and stalk your favourites from the comfort of your couch! Ask the supplier to send through samples of their work, and check out their reviews. Yep even the cake supplier! You’ll definitely need samples delivered to your house.. This is your chance to tick some major items off your to-do list before you even know it.
3. Fill up the registry
If you’re anything like us, then you’re browsing through all the sales that are popping up at the moment. Well this is the perfect chance to add all the goodies you’d like to your registry with the TV on, and your feet propped up.
4. DIY some favours
If you’re planning on gifting out some bonbonniere’s on your special day then self-iso is the perfect time to DIY! Homemade candles, little bags of sweets, your own cocktail recipe – the list is endless. This is a project that requires little concentration but one that will definitely leave you feeling accomplished!
5. Virtually stalk your photo locations
While heading out to stalk wedding photo locations might not be deemed “essential”, that doesn’t mean it can’t be done from the comfort of your couch! Google Satellite view will become you best friend, allowing you to zoom in on all the Insta worthy sites near your wedding venue *cough San Remo*.
Are you planning a wedding while in self-iso? How is it going? Tell us in the comments below!